Healing from within with a healthy Gut

A healthy gut is critical to overall health. Dr Marilu Hunt works with Midtown body online with her Gut Recharge program for those clients with problems of digestion. 

Why Is A Healthy Gut Important?

When your digestive health is off, your body becomes toxic and can't absorb nutrients properly. By taking care of your gut, you'll have more energy, have better sleep, and be better health. 

Healthy Gut

A healthy gut will give you energy and confidence you need to achieve the body you want.

Sick Gut

When your digestive health is out of balance, your system becomes toxic and will not absorb nutrients correctly. This will hinder the body's ability to gain muscle or lose fat.

Healing from Within

A toxic system, leads to a myriad of problems such as impaired mental health and an impaired immune system. An unhealthy gut may be the reason for these toxic substances and these toxicities may be corrected with proper treatment.

This program may be for you if....

  • You've tried all kinds of diets, like paleo, AIP, keto, gluten-free, dairy-free, etc., and  you've failed miserably?
  • You can stick to a diet for a while, giving you a glimmer of hope, and then fail?
  • You don't have the energy and fatigued all the time ?
  • You feel like you can't keep up with the strict diets, and now you're afraid of food?"
  • You feel tired or fatigued all the time even after visiting doctors and they say all is ok?
  • You get up tired every morning
  • You try to block out axiety or depression with food, drink, work, Netflix, etc., instead of working out and feeling your best
  • You're done starting your day with pills and diets that limit what you can eat. There are so many "rules" about food that you don't even know what to eat anymore.
  • You're sick and tired of doctors telling you "nothing's wrong"?
  • You are tired of trying supplements and they just dont work

Gut Recharge Doctor

Dr. Marilu Hunt, an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Gut Health Consultant, works with patients to help them feel their best through proper diet, healthy habit development and lifestyle modification. She works with pharmaceutical grade supplementation if indicated.